Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[MO3] EKMOA- KMC Joint Sessions (Alternative marine fuels and zero-carbon shipping economy of the shipping sector)

Aug 17, 2023, 3:50 PM



[MO3] EKMOA- KMC Joint Sessions (Alternative marine fuels and zero-carbon shipping economy of the shipping sector)

  • Mingyu Kim (Korea Maritime Cooperation Center (KMC))
  • Chybyung Park (University of Strathclyde)


The impacts of global warming are continuously becoming more severe despite various efforts, and it is expected to become the largest obstacle that threatens human survival. Thus, the maritime industry urgently requires proactive measures to address climate change. Due to the excessive reliance on fossil fuels in the maritime sector, significant efforts and large-scale actions are necessary to transition to sustainable maritime energy at the national, regional, and international levels. This session has been arranged through the collaboration of the Europe-Korea Marine and Ocean Engineers Association (EKMOA) with the Korea Maritime Cooperation Center (KMC) to provide valuable insights into the decarbonization of the maritime industry and to provide clear guidance on where such efforts are presently directed and suggested. This session will focus on the directionality of achieving zero carbon emissions in the maritime sector. Various technologies and methods for achieving zero-carbon emissions will be reviewed, discussed, and debated by scientists, engineers, and policymakers from Korea and Europe. Various studies are introduced, and the direction and necessary matters for the research are discussed from various angles, and through this, a new vision is presented. Additionally, it will provide an opportunity to connect scientists and industry and lay the foundation for the formation of better research and technology development communities.

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