Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[MO2] EKMOA-KMI Joint Sessions (Emerging technologies in the marine sector)

Aug 17, 2023, 2:00 PM



[MO2] EKMOA-KMI Joint Sessions (Emerging technologies in the marine sector)

  • Hayoung Jang (University of Strathclyde)
  • Yong Sung Ahn (Korea Maritime Institute)


Shipping plays a crucial role in international trade and commerce, accounting for over 90% of all such transactions. In this context, the effective management and domination of the sea by countries have been critical to driving global economic growth and trade. Despite the emphasis on emerging technologies in the current era of digitalization and decarbonization, there remains a pressing need for proper policies to support the development of these technologies in the shipping sector.
To address this issue, the Europe-Korea Marine and Ocean Engineers Association (EKMOA) and the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) are collaborating to host a joint session focusing on emerging technologies in the marine sector. The session will have a specific policy focus, and will cover the following topics: international, regional, and national marine policies; institutional arrangements for the management and regulation of marine activities such as marine pollution and the environment, conservation of marine resources, and alternative shipping fuels.
This session is open to engineers, academics, and specialists in marine/shipping affairs, who are highly encouraged to contribute their knowledge and expertise. The focus on emerging technologies and the need for proper policies to support their development will be of great interest to the academic and technical communities.

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