Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Contribution of Ship and Ports Emissions to Air Pollutants on Incheon and Busan Port Area in South Korea.

Aug 17, 2023, 2:50 PM



Daeryun Choi (Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Anyang University)


This study aims to estimate contribution of air pollutants (NOX, SOX, CO, PM2.5, PM10, and NMVOC) from ships for one year (2020) in port in Korea, Busan and Incheon Port.
In order to estimate contribution of air concentration by ship emission, we apply to CMAQ model with ISAM (The Integrated Source Apportionment Method).
CMAQ, a chemical transport model, is a numerical model that estimate receptor effects from emission sources and identifies the impact on receptors through atmospheric dispersion and chemical reaction processes from emission sources. The ISAM is tool that mainly used to understand the contribution relationship between emission sources and atmospheric concentration.
To achieve this, the model is mainly required for some model-ready data. First, detailed and accurate port, ship emissions to reflect local characteristics. Second, anthropogenic emissions data effect on surrounding area, except for ship and port emissions. Third, meteorological data that could simulate the meteorology such as sea breeze in complex coastal and port region. Model-read y data is applied to the CMAQ, and then the contribution on concentration of each emission source to the atmosphere could be confirmed.
The detailed contribution concentration from each ship and port source in region and model configuration will be explained in the presentation.


[1] Kitagawa et al. (2021) Source apportionment modelling of PM2.5 using CMAQ-ISAM over a tropical coastal-urban area, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12(12), 101250

Keywords Dispersion, Chemical Transport Model, Ship Emission, Simulation

Primary author

Daeryun Choi (Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Anyang University)


Dr Pil-Su Kim (EI LAP INC.) Ms Seo-Young Kim (Korea Marine Institute) Dr Yong Sung Ahn (Korea Marine Institute)

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