Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[LH6] Disruptive Innovations in the Biomedical Space: Science, Technology and Commercialization

Aug 17, 2023, 3:50 PM
Taurus 1

Taurus 1


[LH6] Disruptive Innovations in the Biomedical Space: Science, Technology and Commercialization

  • K Hun Mok (Trinity College Dublin)


Throughout the history of science, it has been well proven that technological developments – be it in computational science, physics, chemistry, engineering, or mathematics – often drive further understanding and elucidation of biological/medical phenomena. The sheer quantity of Nobel Prizes in Physics or in Chemistry that are awarded to scientists who are essentially biologists (whom one would assume to receive Nobel Prizes only in the area of Physiology & Medicine) clearly attests to this.

Along with these discoveries and innovations, we are now witnessing their rapid ‘translation’ – application of these technologies to real world situations or to patients – accompanied with commercialization happening at a blindingly fast pace and on the global stage.

It is the purpose of this Scientific Session to introduce cutting-edge, disruptive technological advances and show that in many cases, such innovations have brought forth fruits of commercialization (= the founding of start-up companies). To this end, we will invite scientists and academics who are based in the physical, chemical, and/or computational sciences but who have shown that their innovations can be applied to the biomedical space. In some cases, their work have interested investors who are funding their start-up companies.

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