Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Invited Talk: Programmable Manipulation of Labeled and Label-free Cells Using Magnetophoresis

Aug 17, 2023, 4:20 PM
Taurus 1

Taurus 1


Dr byeonghwa Lim (DGIST)


In lab-on-a-chip research, the technology of precisely manipulating and separating single cells holds considerable potential. This technology is crucial in revealing cell heterogeneity, mechanisms of cell functionality, and individual cells' unique characteristics, deepening our understanding of disease diagnosis and treatment. Our research has developed a Magnetophoretic circuit technology inspired by electrical circuit theory, magnetic bubble technology, and semiconductor holes to enhance such cell manipulation technology.
This circuit technology comprises positive or negative magnetic thin film patterns and current line patterns created using lithography. It controls the direction of cell movement and switching through an external magnetic field based on the shape of the micro-magnetic pattern. The magnetic pattern and current lines operate similarly to electrical conductors, diodes, capacitors, and transistors, controlling particle movement. These characteristics allow for more precise cell manipulation.
Devices fabricated in positive are classified as magnetophoretic (MP) devices and used to manipulate labeled cells, while devices fabricated in negative are classified as pseudo-diamagnetophoretic (PsDMP) devices and used to manipulate unlabeled cells. This circuit, composed using MP/PsDMP devices, is driven by a rotating magnetic field, implementing programmable multi-control and precise control over magnetic and non-magnetic objects.
This new approach enables the development of a multi-cell research platform with high throughput, efficiency, and reliability. Due to its high level of control and efficiency, this technology provides a platform for researchers to easily separate, analyze, and experiment with cells. Therefore, this technology will advance future research in single-cell manipulation and analysis.


  1. B. Lim, V. Reddy, X. Hu, K. Kim, M. Jadhav, R. Abedini-Nassab, Y.-W. Noh, Y. T. Lim, B. B. Yellen and C. Kim, Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 3846.
  2. S. R. Goudu, H. Kim, X. Hu, B. Lim, K. Kim, S. R. Torati, H. Ceylan, D. Sheehan, M. Sitti and C. Kim, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 3024.
Keywords magnetophoresis, single cell manipulation, lab-on-a-chip

Primary authors

Prof. CheolGi Kim (DGIST) Dr byeonghwa Lim (DGIST)

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