Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[EE4] 2ND Korea-EU Technology Cooperation on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Regional Innovation

Aug 16, 2023, 1:00 PM



[EE4] 2ND Korea-EU Technology Cooperation on Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Regional Innovation

  • Junbeum Kim (University of Technology of Troyes)


After the first Korea-EU Technology Cooperation on Carbon Neutrality and Regional Innovation forum in EKC2022, we propose the second forum in EKC2023. Climate change is emerged as a transnational and transregional issue. Many countries, including Korea and EU, are making all-out efforts to cope with the rapidly changing climate by declaring carbon neutrality after the Paris Climate Agreement. The session will discuss pathways to sustainability to innovate science and technology and cooperate effectively to respond to climate change between Korean and European researchers. The main topics will focus on carbon neutrality that Korea and Europe must achieve, discussing technology policies and joint R&D topics, and exploring ways to cooperate between the two regions. . As a result, it is expected that this session will not only share carbon-neutral innovation policies in Korea and Europe, but also discover the demand for joint research in the near future.

Presentation materials

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Prof. Junbeum Kim (University of Technology of Troyes)
8/16/23, 1:00 PM
Environment and Energy

EE6 - introduction

Prof. Junbeum Kim (University of Technology of Troyes)
8/16/23, 4:05 PM
Environment and Energy

closing remark for EE6

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