Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Developing AR6-based socio-economic scenario assessment models at the regional scale for climate change adaptation

Aug 16, 2023, 1:50 PM



Minsu Son (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)


Following the publication of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report, it is recommended that future mitigation and adaptation reports to the UNFCCC and IPCC should be based on regional assessments using 'socio-economic scenarios'. In this regard, various Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) are being developed, and the Integrated Assessment Model Consortium (IAMC) has been established to collaborate on various IAMs and analytical techniques. In Korea, socio-economic scenarios applicable to climate change policy analysis have been developed, and future adaptive capacity has been quantified based on the socio-economic scenarios derived by analysing adaptation policy-specific socio-economic scenarios. However, although detailed adaptation policy implementation plans are being prepared at the local level, they are not being applied due to the lack of methodologies and data to apply climate change scenario assessment. In this study, the socio-economic-environmental scenario will be constructed at a resolution of 1kmx1km or more. It is divided into human, ecological and global environmental systems to estimate future population and economic scenarios using verified methodologies and to construct integrated scenarios in conjunction with system dynamics. This will enable the establishment of IAM simulators that will allow social and economic scenarios to be applied at the local government level. Finally, we intend to establish an integrated system that can be assessed from a policy perspective by simulating different scenarios, so that it can be applied to SDG goals and local government policy assessment.



Keywords Climate Change, IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Socio-economic Scenario Pathway, Integrated evaluation mode

Primary author

Minsu Son (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)

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