Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[CM1] Advancements in Battery Technology: From Materials to Applications

Aug 16, 2023, 1:00 PM
Venus 1

Venus 1


[CM1] Advancements in Battery Technology: From Materials to Applications: [CM1] Advancements in Battery Technology: From Materials to Applications

  • Juhan Lee (Project Manager, Heraeus Battery Technology GmbH)


From fulfilling individual needs for the small-scale storage of electricity in household gadgets to providing larger-scale storage capacities in electric vehicles, batteries have become an intrinsic part of human activities. The global demand for battery systems has led to an increase in research into the development of materials, devices, manufacturing & production processes, and battery management systems. Also, recyclability is getting more and more critical for the sustainable use of battery components and materials in the near future. Accordingly, this section is devoted to recent advances and progress in the development of battery materials, manufacturing from cell to pack systems, production processes, management & operation technologies, recycling strategies & technologies, and analytical techniques as well as elucidating fundamental electrochemical mechanisms and reactions.

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