Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

[Session Opening] Leap Towards Future: The Evolution of Battery Technologies through Cross-Disciplinary Collaborationing: rechargeable energy storage

Aug 16, 2023, 1:00 PM
Venus 1

Venus 1


Juhan Lee (Project Manager, Heraeus Battery Technology GmbH)


As we navigate an era defined by the urgent need for sustainable and energy-efficient solutions, rechargeable energy storage systems, particularly batteries, have become an indisputable keystone. The successful evolution of such systems necessitates agile collaborations spanning universities, research institutes, and both public and industrial sectors.

In response to this need, the Korean Battery Experts Group in Europe (EK-DeBatt) has organized a series of three dynamic sessions. Beginning with “Advancements in Battery Technology: From Materials to Applications,” (Session CM1), we will embark on an exploration which continues through two subsequent discussions in sessions CM3-1 and CM3-2, ambitiously titled “Journey for the Next Generation of Energy Storage Systems”.

Session CM3-1 delves into the integral aspect of sustainability and recycling processes shaping the current scenario of battery technology. While Session CM3-2 ventures into the realm of manufacturing processes, featuring an engaging panel discussion to ignite in-depth insights.

As we inaugurate these discussions, the session opening will offer an overview of EK-DeBatt's past achievements and future prospects, while inviting open-ended discussions about how the group might further flourish through the fostering of synergistic partnerships.



Keywords Session Opening, batteries, supercapacitors, hybrid, energy storage, electrochemistry

Primary authors

Juhan Lee (Project Manager, Heraeus Battery Technology GmbH) Hunho Kwak (Umicore)

Presentation materials

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