Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[BS1] Impact of COVID-19 on infectious diseases

Aug 16, 2023, 1:00 PM
Orion 2

Orion 2


[BS1] Impact of COVID-19 on infectious diseases: [BS1] Impact of COVID-19 on infectious diseases

  • Jeehyun Lee (Yonsei University)
  • Yoon Hong Choi (UK Health Security Agency)


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of infectious diseases due to social distancing control measures implemented to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the community. Limiting social mixing has resulted in not only decreasing COVID-19 transmission but also reducing transmission of other respiratory infections and disease incidences. This control measure has also affected access to health facilities such as general practices and hospitals which caused delayed appropriate disease treatments. Some unusual occurrences of infectious diseases have been observed in many parts of the world including Monkeypox outbreaks, unusual timing of RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) outbreaks, and so on. In this session, we would like to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the influence of COVID-19 control measures on other infectious diseases during and after COVID-19 in different country settings, and mathematical modelling work on those phenomena.

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