Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

[P7-CM]Formability evaluation of new aluminum material for eco-friendly automobiles (Almag6) using DIC technique

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Poster Poster(Wed)


Sangmin Lee (Kongju National University)


Globally, as an environmental regulation to reduce carbon emissions, research on weight reduction of automobiles is being actively conducted, and the mainly used material is being changed from steel to aluminum. Aluminum has a specific gravity of 1/3 that of steel, which is effective for weight reduction, but has a disadvantage of lower maximum strength and lower elongation than steel materials. Almag6 is a new material that improves strength and elongation through special heat treatment by increasing the magnesium content of the existing 5000 series material to improve these disadvantages. In this study, a tensile test and a forming limit test were performed to compare the strength and elongation characteristics Al5052-H32 and Almag6. For materials with low elongation and high strength, it is easy to fracture a grip part during the forming limit test, so the two-quarter forming limit was completed with a tensile tester using a new tensile specimen depending on the stress ratio applied to the material. In addition, by measuring the local strain at the time of necking and fracture by applying Digital Image Correlation (DIC), it is possible to illustrate the range from necking to fracture of the forming limit. Therefore, it is expected that the basis for judgment can be presented even to the product design that is closer to fracture than when the molding limit is created when conservative necking occurs.


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Keywords Aluminum, Digital Image Correlation, Forming limit diagram, r-value, Sheet metal forming

Primary authors

Sangmin Lee (Kongju National University) Prof. Seokmoo Hong (Kongju National University)

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