Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

[P9-CM]Mechanical properties of 3D Printed Basalt Continuous Fiber Composites

Not scheduled
Poster Poster(Wed)


Dr Junyeon Hwang (Korea Institute of Science & Technology)


When fiber-reinforced composites are manufactured using 3D-printing technologies, many advantages like a high production efficiency, low costs, an easy accessibility and the possibility to tailor the fiber architecture directly and individually to desired load paths can be achieved. However, due to low mechanical properties and missing functional characteristics of the composite constituents, the application of 3D printing is currently limited to prototyping or to educational purposes. In order to be used for high-performance application, 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced composites have to overcome the issues mentioned above.

To evaluate the microstructure and the mechanical properties, micro-CT diagnostic technologies can be used to describe the internal shape and geometry of 3D printed composites using X-ray. In doing so, three-dimensional images of the stacked single composite layers are useful to evaluate pore content, wetting structure and interface properties without destroying the tested structure. Especially important is the identification of the scatter in fiber volume content in order to maximize the reinforcing effect within the 3D-printed composite, in particular keeping an economic feasibility in mind. The described methodology was tested for 3D printed basalt fiber composites, focusing on the dispersion properties depending on the fiber volume fraction. In addition, the fiber volume fraction and selected mechanical properties are examined to describe the fracture behavior using X-ray tomography in this study.



Keywords 3D printing, Composites,

Primary author

Dr Junyeon Hwang (Korea Institute of Science & Technology)


Ms Jinyoung Jung (Korea Institute of Science & Technology) Prof. Robert Boehm (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences) Dr Thomas Behnisch (Technische Universität Dresden)

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