Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

How does venture capital investment leverage green growth in Korea and Europe and what is the hurdle to overcome?

Aug 16, 2023, 2:30 PM



Brian Kim (Kim Venturous)


Private climate financing play a pivotal role as emerging markets and developed economies seek to curb greenhouse gas emissions and contain climate change while coping with its effects.
Boosting private climate financing quickly is essential, Key solutions include adequate pricing of climate risks, innovative financing instruments, broadening the investor base, expanding the involvement of multilateral development banks and development finance institutions, and strengthening climate information.
However, it is uncertain to find climate benefits of ESG investing, such scores for companies in emerging market and developed economies as well.
This article figure out how does venture capital investment leverage green growth in Korea and Europe and what is the hurdle to overcome.


  1. How to ensure that investment in new climate solutions is sufficient to avert catastrophic climate change, Yannick Glemarec, 2022
  2. Does development in venture capital investments influence green growth?, Moinak Maiti, 2022
  3. Climate Policy and Clean Technology Innovation: Evidence from FITs Policy Influence on Global VC Renewable Energy Investment Success, Lyingui Li, 2021
  4. The response of green energy and technology investment to climate policy uncertainty: An application of twin transitions strategy, Shaiara Husain, 2022
Keywords venture capital, investment, green growth

Primary author

Brian Kim (Kim Venturous)

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