Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[MaApp] IND2-1: Marine Application - Demonstration

[MaApp] Demonstration
Aug 15, 2023, 9:00 AM
Taurus 1 (Science Congress Center Munich, Technical University of Munich)

Taurus 1

Science Congress Center Munich, Technical University of Munich


[MaApp] IND2-1: Marine Application - Demonstration

  • Kevin Koosup Yum (SINTEF Ocean)


Two global trends in maritime industry have emerged in last five years: autonomous vessels and decarbonization. The first emerging technology will impact the maritime sector in the way that will increase the operational efficiency while bringing the cost down significantly. It also has a potential to transform the business itself. At the same time, the global shipping has committed itself to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions dramatically in the next 30 years. Improving the energy efficiency of the shipping and introducing alternative fuels that have zero or significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions are the main keys to achieve the goal. The clear pathway is not set forth yet, but there are emerging technologies developed around these mega-trends.

To navigate through unveiled pathways to the goals, the research and development must be carried out in two tracks in parallel: development and demonstration. Demonstration of the developed technology reveals the challenges that were not foreseen before and provides valuable insights into the feasibility of the solution and the economic investment required for realization of it. It will guide the industry and academia in the right direction of the technologies with the lessons learned. The session aims to introduce the demonstration cases planned or performed in the research or commercial projects in Korea and Europe in the related fields. It will provoke both industries and researchers to discuss the real-world problems in the projects and to share the valuable experiences so that the new development can be performed with less trial and errors. The cases presented should be inspiring to the participants, especially young researchers and students, that they can see actual advances and be encouraged to commit themselves in the future works.

Presentation materials

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Dr Sungjoon Kim (HD KSOE) , Dr Yongwon Lee (Lloyd’s Register)
8/15/23, 9:00 AM
Marine Applications
Kevin Koosup Yum (SINTEF Ocean)
Marine Applications
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