A variety of innovative solutions have been recently developed and applied to the maritime industries by the two main drivers: greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and autonomous operation. The former is a top-down driver led by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), classification societies, authorities, and so on. The IMO established an initial strategy to reduce 50% GHG emission from ships until 2050, and the other organizations confirmed similar or more ambitious plans for decarbonization of ship operations. The latter is, on the other hand, a bottom-up driver mainly led by shipping companies. The recent development of digital and automation technologies enables the autonomous operation of vessels, and the shortage of seafarers accelerates the need for unmanned ship operation. Considering the various and wide research areas of GHG reduction and autonomous operation, it is highly needed to establish innovative global cooperation in academia and industry.
The main objective of Innovation session is to share the knowledge and experience in innovative marine applications for GHG reduction and autonomous ship operation of South Korea and Europe. This research interchange is expected to generate a significant synergy effect to enhance and accelerate the development innovative marine solutions, and ultimately, it can contribute to achieve sustainable future shipping.
Self-operating transportation has been around for many years, but lately the speed of development has increased due to technological breakthroughs within several fields. The maritime domain has also become part of this and the aim to have autonomous vessel sailing, in commercial operations is coming closer. Together with the parallel development on land and in the air, the whole transportation...
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is currently discussing regulations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships, leading to expectations of a significant shift towards more environmentally-friendly practices in the maritime sector. In 2018, the IMO announced its initial strategy to reduce GHG emissions from ships by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008, with a revised...
Recently, various researches are being conducted on the production of green hydrogen, e-ammonia and e-methanol through offshore renewable energy centered on offshore wind power worldwide. In particular, as the challenging goal of 0% ship carbon emissions by 2050 is expected to be adopted at the IMO MEPC 80th meeting, research is underway on the offshore supply chain to effectively supply...
New and renewable energy is rapidly expanding according to global energy conversion, and in the field of wind power, not only fixed but also floating offshore wind power is being developed. Recently, various floating platforms capable of mounting a 15MW class offshore wind turbine have been developed, and these platforms are being developed as a floating offshore wind farm is promoted in...