Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[ET] Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry

Aug 15, 2023, 9:00 AM



[ET] Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry: Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry

  • Eomji Park (Encode Club)

[ET] Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry: Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry

  • Eomji Park (Encode Club)

[ET] Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry: Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry

  • Minjoong Jeong

[ET] Exploring Innovative Technologies in the IT Industry: Innovative Data Centric Approaches

  • Minjoong Jeong (KISTI(Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information))


This session seeks to bridge academia and industry, providing an opportunity to explore
collaboration possibilities and share knowledge. It focuses on blockchain, IT security, and AI, which are important topics to research in the current tech landscape. With the rise of digitalization, the need for secure and reliable systems that operate autonomously has increased significantly. The session focuses on applications and use cases in these fields.
We are inviting active members of universities, research groups, startups, enterprises, and institutes from Korea and Europe, who are pushing the boundaries of these fields, to join the conversation.
Our goal is to create a strong network of professionals, foster connections between different stakeholders, and inspire innovative ideas that will shape the future of these fields.

Presentation materials

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