Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[MA3] Inclusive Development through Appropriate Technology and STEM Education

Aug 16, 2023, 4:40 PM
Taurus 2

Taurus 2


The proposed session on "Inclusive Development through Appropriate Technology and STEM Education" aims to address various appropriate technologies for promoting inclusive growth such as smart factories, intelligent manufacturing, and robotics for their applications in areas such as ODA, SMEs, vulnerable populations, and regional development. It will also focus on the integration of STEM and engineering education.
This session will provide a platform to showcase the latest advancements in these fields and real-world examples of how these technologies can help address global challenges such as climate change, humanitarian aid, ESG, etc.
The goal is to facilitate knowledge exchange and encourage international and interdisciplinary collaborations among speakers and participants. The session will be co-organized with Scientists and Engineers Without Borders ( and I-DREAM ( and will cover the following topics for presentation and discussion.

  • Appropriate Technology, Smart Manufacturing Technology and Intelligent Manufacturing System for ODAs and SMEs
  • Advancements in Products and Robotics Technology for Sustainability and Support for Vulnerable Groups"
  • Innovative Designs and Technologies Integrating IT with Various Science and Engineering Fields for ODA and Regional Development
  • The Importance of Integrated STEM and Engineering Education

Presentation materials

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