Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[LH2] Synergetic Biochemistry and Bioelectronics for Environmental & Human Health

Aug 16, 2023, 2:30 PM
Taurus 1

Taurus 1


[LH2] Synergetic Biochemistry and Bioelectronics for Environmental & Human Health: [LH3] Synergetic Biochemistry and Bioelectronics for Environmental & Human Health

  • Kyongok Kang (Forschungszentrum Juelich)


This session is dedicated to advance the synergy between biochemistry and functional bioelectronics. Such a synergy involves the role played by charge interactions and transport between the various species constituting the complex systems at hand. These systems are omnipresent in our daily life and are of high relevance in a wide range of scientific research areas and technological processes.
The involved charged species of interest range from electrons, protons, small ions, intermediate sized colloids, synthetic- and bio-macromolecules (like proteins, DNA and F-actin), ion channels, up to living cells and viruses. The interactions, assembly, response to external fields, and transport properties of charged species are highly relevant for both soft-matter materials science for understanding the biological processes and bioelectronics engineering in diverse demands.

The role played by the charge-charge interactions is generic, so that scientific communities that work independently may profit from each other’s knowhow and knowledge, including fundamental aspects and practical developments, as well in the assembly and mass/heat transport. One of the motivations of this session is therefore to bring different communities together and to achieve an efficient and beneficial cross-fertilization.

A few examples of topics that could be of interest are listed below:
- Fundamental (theoretical & simulation) methods in macromolecular electrostatics
- The role of electrostatics in biological processes/systems & soil acidification
- Self-assembly and transport in complex synthetic charged macromolecules and soft-matter
- MRI, Magneto-encephalography (MEG) signal sensing and interfacial panels
- Nano-biophotonics: bio-sensing displays and minimal biotoxicity
- Hydrogel-ionic devices and soft-matter biomimetic actuators
- Charge interaction of bio-macromolecules (like proteins & DNA) and mutagenesis
- Enzyme catalysis with protein denaturation
- Field-driven ion-diffusivity and ion-penetration of membranes
- Filtration of charge-stabilized particles in practice & seawater desalination
- Charge transport in ion channels & proton diffusion in PEM
- Upcycling of tunable magneto-rheological vehicle dampers

The session involves the participation of simulators, analytical theoreticians, and experimentalists, creating an interdisciplinary approach towards various types of charged systems, aiming at a long-term and broader impact for continuing exchange of ideas.
We also aim not only to discuss the possible drawbacks that are limted by the current challenges between the different disciplines, but also to create a synergy between them by redefining the common features in an effort to enable cross-fertilization under the circle of integrated scientific disciplines.

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