Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[EI3] Theory and practice of computer science and innovative information technology

Aug 16, 2023, 1:00 PM



[EI3] Theory and practice of computer science and innovative information technology: [EI3] Theory and practice of computer science and innovative information technology

  • Juhoon Kim (Deutsche Telekom AG)


The traditional Computer Science and Information Technology that deal with algorithm, data, and theory have been undergoing evolutionary changes over the last decades and modifying our daily life from every aspects including entertainment, housekeeping, communication, healthcare, industry, education, and commute. Advancement in software development paradigms, enhancement of the computing and networking infrastructure, and development of underlying philosophy in technology are apparent enablers of such an evolution. This session focuses on generic Computer Science and ICT topics and thus aims to invite and select speakers who deliver their recent research work from academy and industry.

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