Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[EE2] Clean Manufacturing of Steel and Alloys

Aug 15, 2023, 1:20 PM
Orion 2

Orion 2


[EE2] Clean Manufacturing of Steel and Alloys: Clean Manufacturing of Steel and Alloys

  • Min-Kyu Paek (Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Korea)


The greenhouse effect by carbon footprint has warmed Earth’s surface and caused many problems such as climate changes, elimination of species, agricultural productivity, water shortage, etc. Traditionally, CO2 emission was the inevitable consequence of using cokes or coal to produce steels and alloys from ores. In order to minimize the environmental impact, steel and alloy producers can contribute to lower CO2 generation during their processes. However, transitioning and alternative ways of manufacturing have to be investigated to establish zero-emission processes. In this session, the environmentally friendly production of metals and its applications will be discussed. The proposed topics are as follows:
- Reduction of raw materials to synthesize alloys using H2 or natural gases
- Production of green hydrogen and its application for metallurgy
- Minimizing CO2 emission with carbon capture and storage technologies
- Any other alternative reduction agents such as biofuel and industrial waste
- Additive manufacturing (Metal 3D printing)
- Alloy melting technology by laser, microwave, electric energy, etc

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