Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[BS5] Ultrafast imaging and structural dynamics: advances and applications

Aug 17, 2023, 2:00 PM
Orion 2

Orion 2


[BS5] Ultrafast imaging and structural dynamics: advances and applications

  • Hyo Jung Kim (Pusan National University)


High-resolution imaging and analysis tools such as electron microscopy and diffraction, X-ray microscopy and diffraction, and various spectroscopes have ushered in a new era of nanoscience and nanotechnology. As the size of an object decreases, the time scale of its dynamics becomes increasingly faster. Understanding the ultrafast dynamics of matter will contribute to improving the physicochemical properties and long-term stability of matter. Recently developed pulsed optical laser, electron, and X-ray sources allow for the discovery of ultrafast electronic and atomic dynamics. In this session, we will discuss various pump-probe techniques, time-resolved experiments and their applications.

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