Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[BS4] Researches at Large-Scale Facilities

Aug 17, 2023, 11:30 AM
Orion 2

Orion 2


[BS4] Researches at Large-Scale Facilities

  • Wonhyuk Jo (European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility)


The primary role of researchers is exploring a fundamental mechanism of nature including the universe, materials, biology, and so forth. Most researcher conduct laboratory-based researches, and sometimes they face technical challenges. To overcome these challenges, various kinds of large-scale experimental facilities have been developed all over the world for a long time, which can provide advanced experimental methods utilizing particle accelerators, muon and neutron generators, etc. In this session, we introduce the various scientific studies conducted at large-scale facilities and discuss the impact that large-scale facilities will have on the scientific community in the future.

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