Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[LH1] Navigating a Post COVID-19 World: Strengthening global resilience against unprecedented infectious diseases

Aug 15, 2023, 9:00 AM
Taurus 2

Taurus 2


[LH1] Navigating a Post COVID-19 World: Strengthening global resilience against unprecedented infectious diseases

  • Moo-Seung Lee (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)
  • Baek-Soo Han (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology)


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of our global community to infectious diseases and underlined the importance of a coordinated, international response. In the vast expanse of our global health landscape, the COVID-19 pandemic has felt like an overwhelming storm, testing the resilience of our societies and our healthcare systems. As we steer our way into the aftermath, we must focus on the changing map of infectious diseases including bacterial pathogens besides viral disease, and set our compass to navigate this evolving world. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global community finds itself at a crossroads. This relentless virus has laid bare our vulnerabilities, shattering notions of invincibility and setting us adrift on uncharted waters. As we look to regain our bearings, our gaze is set on the horizon, towards the unknown future of infectious diseases. Notably, after the pandemic, there has also been considerable interest in research on antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Our session, " Navigating a Post COVID-19 World: Strengthening global resilience against unprecedented infectious diseases," aspires to be the astrolabe for this complex journey. This session aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted approach needed to tackle future infectious disease outbreaks. Participants will gain insights into the adaptations necessary in healthcare systems, technological innovation, vaccine distribution, and the crucial role of global collaboration. The knowledge and strategies exchanged in this session will contribute to the global preparedness and resilience against future pandemics. Target Audience:
Public health officials, epidemiologists, policy makers, health economists, virologists, technology innovators in health, ethicists, logistic specialists, and representatives from international health organizations and NGOs. By uniting global experts in a shared dialogue, we will create a robust platform to collaboratively address the challenge of infectious diseases in our post-COVID world.

Presentation materials

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Andre Charlett (UK Health Security Agency)
8/15/23, 9:25 AM
Life Science & Health

TBD (21.07.2023)

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