Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


[ST2] An Introduction to the Life of Dr. Mirok Lee

Aug 17, 2023, 3:50 PM
Mars 2

Mars 2


[ST2] An Introduction to the Life of Dr. Mirok Lee

  • Ok Soon Park (Vekni)


The theme focuses on Mirok Li 's bibliographic life. He was born in 1899 in Hwanghae-do Province. As the very first Korean foreign student in Germany. He was a zoologist and a writer. He received a doctorate in zoologist at Munich university in 1928. He participated in resistance movements against Japanese rule and the Nazis in Germany. After achieving his doctoral grade he actively worked as a writer. His first work 'the night in a Korean lane' contributed greatly to introduce the unknown world of Korea to Germans.
From 1947 Li lectured the East Asian Culture at Munich University and wrote numerous Literature such as 'Der Yalu fliest 압록강은 흐른다'. He was the only Korean-German Author in Germany.
He died in March of 1950.

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