Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Metaverse With XR Interactions and Experience-Centric AI: A Trial for Conversational Voice Bot

Aug 15, 2023, 11:50 AM
Orion 1

Orion 1

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology [EI1] Technologies of AR and VR


Junseong Bang (ETRI)


The metaverse platform creates computer-simulated objects in the virtual or real worlds, and it provides a digital environment in which users can interact with them and other users. Technologies for extended reality (XR) interactions allow users to be more immersed in activities in the digital environment and improve their user experiences (UX). First, this talk looks at the latest research on the metaverse and XR. Between 2020 and 2022, a conversational voice bot system (called as POLBOT) for the police's AI-based automated response service to civil complaints was developed as a national R&D project in South Korea. This POLBOT was tested by being connected to the call center system server of the National Police Agency, which has a nationwide communication network. POLBOT is the first successful implementation of an AI call center in which human counselors and AI collaborate to respond to the civil complaints. While a human user and AI are on a call, in POLBOT, it is possible for the human user to request a connection with a human counselor, for the AI to recommend a connection with a counselor, and for the counselor to intervene in the conversation without reconnecting or ending the call. Some of the counselor's activities (e.g., monitoring, counseling) were implemented using XR interactions (i.e., gesture, voice) in the POLBOT. Second, this talk introduces the lessons learned through the case of POLBOT development with XR interactions. In the metaverse, its utilization can be increased by AI technology. In the past, development of data/model-centric AI technologies were taking the lead, but XR interactions are evolving along with the development of interaction-centric AI technologies for the access and activity in the metaverse. Finally, this talk explains the experience-centric AI concept for the next, and how it will contribute to the metaverse service along with XR interaction technologies.


Junseong Bang, “Metaverse Interoperability with Composability in Hyper-Connected and Hyper-Personalized Virtual Environment,” ITU Kaleidoscope, Accra, Ghana, Dec. 7-9, 2022. / Abbas M. Al-Ghaili et al., "A Review of Metaverse’s Definitions, Architecture, Applications, Challenges, Issues, Solutions, and Future Trends," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 125835-125866, Nov. 30, 2022. / Yuntao Wang et al., "A Survey on Metaverse: Fundamentals, Security, and Privacy," IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 319-352, 2023.

Keywords Metaverse, Voice bot, XR interactions, Experience-Centric AI

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