Aug 14 – 18, 2023
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Is OOH Advertisement a Visual Pollution in Korea?

Aug 16, 2023, 4:05 PM
Orion 1

Orion 1

Built Environment and Engineering Design [BE3] Urban Spatial Structure and Urban Regeneration


Seung Ji Lee (Incheon Catholic University)


As a visual object, OOH(Out-of-home) advertisements are exposed as landscape by pedestrians (Cho, 2009). The installation of OOH advertisements determines the image of the street and the city, and what appears as a set of local environmental features can be defined as OOH advertisement landscape (Lee, 2022). Korea's OOH advertisement landscape has been criticized for being the main culprit of visual pollution that hinders urban landscapes for more than half a century. Nevertheless, with the recent emergence of digital OOH advertisements, visual pollution is intensifying. First of all, the study investigates the validity of the recognition that OOH advertisements in Korea cause visual pollution by identifying, indexing, and analyzing the main factors that cause visual pollution. If the recognition is valid, it seeks the improvement measures. To this end, first, the visual pollution caused by OOH advertisements and their effects are theoretically reviewed. Visual pollution is a term used to describe the compounded effect of disorder, excess and clutter of various objects and graphics in the landscape. Elements such as wind turbines and cell towers cause visual pollution, but the most typically is associated with excess, disorder and cultural intrusion of outdoor advertisement. (S. Chmielewski, 2018). Second, analysis tool and indexes to evaluate the visual quality of OOH advertisement landscapes are derived. The elements that form the OOH advertisements landscapes are type, shape, size, quantity, display position, color, material, and lighting (Lee, 2022). Among these factors, the factors that cause visual pollution are identified and indexed. Third, visual pollution caused by OOH advertisements is evaluated for general commercial streets in Korea using the analysis tool and indexs. Based on this, it is proved that OOH advertisements actually cause visual pollution. Fourth, it seeks improvement criteria based on the analysis results. The problem of OOH advertisements in Korea is largely due to sociological factors, but one important reason is the lack of evidence in related standards. Quantitative analysis and argumentation on the visual quality and visual pollution of OOH advertisements help form a consensus and improve citizen awareness on urban landscape management through management of OOH advertisement.


Chmielewski, S., Samulowska, M., Lupa, M., Lee, D., Zagajewski, B., 2018,
Citizen science and WebGIS for outdoor advertisement visual pollution assessment,
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 67, 97-109,

Lee, S. J. (2022). A Study on Changes of Legal Management Standards for Outdoor Advertisement Landscape. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 38(6), 37–48.

Lee, S. J. (2022). A Study on Changes of Legal Management Standards for Outdoor Advertisement Landscape. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 38(6), 37–48.

Keywords OOH advertisement, Landscape, Visual pollution, Visual quality assessment

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