Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Increasing Urban Density in Neuperlach, Germany

Aug 15, 2023, 1:50 PM
Mars 1

Mars 1

Walther-von-Dyck-Str. 10, 85748 Garching near Munich


Hangjae Lee (ATP München Planungs GmbH)


Munich is expected to continue to grow both now and in the future, and is suffering from a serious housing shortage at the same time as a growing population. The post-war reconstruction work has been closed, and the sites in Munich's residential district have already been almost completely developed and there is a way to solve these problems, once increasing the density of the city. Neuperlach's administrative district was developed largely as a satellite city in the 60s/70s and is now receiving much attention as a good development target to solve the city's problems 50 years later. Four representative types of urban structures were tested in northern Neuperlach areas, and the results showed the potential for urban density more than twice the volume,while harmonizing with the existing urban contexts. Furthermore, by addressing the conflicts between existing and new buildings through architectural design, the proposals of city-structural experiments ahead have been made more powerful. Although this study only showed schematic possibilities, we hope that more concrete and practical discussions and concerns will be made about Neuperlach's potential for urban development by means of this research.


Susanne Franke, Stadtdichte und Stadtraum, Dissertation Nr.22765, ETH Zürich, 2015.
Sigrid Bretzel, 2009, Neuperlach: Städtebauliche Entwicklung des neuen Stadtteils Neuperlach in München.
Trumm, Peter, 1958, Borstei. Roman einer Bauidee, München.
Jacob, Brigitte, 2004, 40 Jahre Märkisches Viertel. Geschichte und Gegenwart einer Großsiedlung, Berlin.
Candilis, Georges, Josic, Alexis, Woods, Shadrach, 1975, Toulouse Le Mirail. Geburt einer neuen Stadt, Stuttgart.

Keywords Revaluation, Increasing Urban Density, Satellite city, Residential, Neuperlach, in 60s/70s

Primary author

Hangjae Lee (ATP München Planungs GmbH)

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