Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Auralization and virtual rendering of acoustics in buildings

Aug 16, 2023, 2:00 PM
Orion 1

Orion 1

Built Environment and Engineering Design [BE2] Environmental quality evaluation in built environment


Prof. Cheol-Ho Jeong (Technical University of Denmark)


Room acoustics has been an active research field in building physics, which reflects the human race’s enthusiasm toward healthy and sustainable indoor acoustic environments. Particularly in acoustically important buildings, such as concert halls, room acoustics has been experimented with simulations and scale models in the design stage. Room acoustic simulations have been more accurate and versatile over time, and consequently acousticians have quite several simulation/reproduction tools suitable for various purposes. However, there still are challenges and bottlenecks that makes the collaborative workflow with other parties, such as architects, lighting designers, and energy performance researchers, difficult and time consuming. Recently we witnesses more and more advances in virtual prototyping, digitalization technologies, and machine learning and room acoustics is no exception. In this talk, I will present current technological trends, challenges, and opportunities in simulating and virtual prototyping of room acoustics with recent examples done in building designs and indoor climate evaluations.



Keywords room acoustics, virtual rendering, digitalization

Primary author

Prof. Cheol-Ho Jeong (Technical University of Denmark)

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