Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Respiratory sounds classification using deep learning methods


Sunju Lee (National Institue for Mathematical Sciences)


Auscultation with a stethoscope has been an essential part of diagnosing patients with respiratory diseases and providing first aid. However, accurate interpretation and diagnosis of auscultation sounds relies on the expertise of clinicians, so it is important to develop an artificial intelligence-based diagnosis support system using respiratory sounds. In this talk, we propose a deep-learning based classification model for respiratory sounds recorded in the clinical setting.


Kim Y, Hyon Y, Jung SS, Lee S, Yoo G, Chung C, Ha T. Respiratory sound classification for crackles, wheezes, and rhonchi in the clinical field using deep learning. Sci Rep  2021; 11 : 17186.

Keywords deep learning, respiratory sound

Primary authors

Sunju Lee (National Institue for Mathematical Sciences) Taeyoung Ha (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences) YunKyong Hyon (National Institute for Mathematical Sciences)

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