Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

[P58-MO]Dynamic LCA toward net-zero shipping

Not scheduled
Poster Poster(Thu)


Chybyung Park (University of Strathclyde)


To safeguard the increasingly deteriorating environment, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been introduced as a tool to identify the underlying environmental factors and suggest better solutions. However, the conventional LCA methodology has clear limitations as it is only suitable for static situations. In other words, the current methodology cannot cover a significant portion of ships operating in a continuously changing environment. Firstly, traditional LCAs are excessively data-dependent. While it is possible to evaluate the environmental impact based on accumulated data for the same process, it is impossible to secure all the data according to continuously changing situations, causing limitations of application in the shipping field. These characteristics have constrained the application of LCA results, and consequently, only case-specific results can be derived. Furthermore, traditional LCA only yields one-time single results, which is not sufficient in a constantly changing ship environment.
To address this research gap, this study proposes Dynamic LCA. Two detailed methodologies have been presented. The first is Live-LCA, which overcomes data-dependent and case-specific limitations. This is not an LCA that reduces accuracy and reliability by unconditionally predicting/assuming that there is no existing data for a ship in a continuously changing environment, but rather generates and applies data through simulation/experiments based on appropriate grounds. This methodology allows for more grounded and reasonable LCA results to be derived. Furthermore, its extensive application enables general observations.
The second detailed methodology is Real-Time LCA (RT-LCA), which can properly reflect the continuously changing ship operating environment. This methodology can be applied when real-time data is available. It provides results by performing real-time LCA reflecting various operating environments of ships based on real-time data and existing databases. Unlike conventional LCA which derives environmental impact results only once, immediate feedback on changing environments is possible because continuous LCA results can be produced and presented.


Park, C., Jeong, B., Zhou, P., Jang, H., Kim, S., Jeon, H., Nam, D. and Rashedi, A., 2022. Live-Life cycle assessment of the electric propulsion ship using solar PV. Applied Energy, 309, p.118477.
Park, C., Jeong, B. and Zhou, P., 2022. Lifecycle energy solution of the electric propulsion ship with Live-Life cycle assessment for clean maritime economy. Applied Energy, 328, p.120174.

Keywords LCA, Dynamic LCA

Primary author

Chybyung Park (University of Strathclyde)

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