The need to reduce GHG emissions in maritime operations is an essential part of limiting global warming. Despite this, the sector has traditionally lagged behind land based transport when it comes to initiatives for deep decarbonisation and a move towards truly zero emission fuels. The offshore wind sector has the potential to be a first mover in maritime decarbonisation. As both a producer and off taker for Zero Emission maritime fuels there is an opportunity for windfarm owners and operators to build the supply chains and create a springboard for demand in the wider sector. Coupled with the fact that wind farm operations and maintenance vessels are uniquely placed both legislatively (being vessels that travel far from shore but generally only operate from a single country and port) and practically (being that they travel out to huge power sources where offshore charging and bunkering are possible) there is real hope for deep decarbonisation this decade. This talk will outline offshore wind’s current role in the maritime sector and highlight some of the reasons why it could potentially lead the way in decarbonisation. It will then explore fuel choices, and current technologies and initiatives which could enable a switch. Finally the presenter will examine a recent report created by the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult alongside academic partners (University of Edinburgh, University of Strathclyde, and the manufacturing technology centre) that lays out the technology options for service operation vessels operating on wind farms being developed by EnBW/BP. This study, designed to inform real world vessel procurement decisions acts as a reality check to see how far towards Zero Emissions operations is truly possible for a commercial company this decade. The presenter, David Cooper works for the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult a not-for-profit Research and Technology Organisation in the UK. In his role focussing on clean maritime initiatives he has had a supporting role on vessel decarbonisation projects and reports including the EnBW/BP study, Bibby Wavemaster Zero C, Artemis eFoiler, MJR offshore charging, and the UK department for transport’s report “Decarbonising offshore wind operations and maintenance: roadmap”
Keywords | OffshoreWind,Decarbonisation,Maritime |