Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Introduction of Hanwha micro SAR Payload

Aug 16, 2023, 3:50 PM
Taurus 2

Taurus 2


Dr Kyeongrok Kim (Hanwha Systems, Satellite System 2 Team)


In this presentation, small SAR payload which is developing by Hanwha systems will be introduced. Our micro SAR consists of digital control unit, radio frequency unit, electrical frontend, and antenna unit. Each unit is divided by functional module and we will present each function, shape and experimental performance. The purpose is that our mircro SAR payload will be on-boarded and launched on micro satellite (<100 kg).



Keywords Synthetic aperture radar, micro satellite

Primary author

Dr Kyeongrok Kim (Hanwha Systems, Satellite System 2 Team)

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