Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Allyship in Changing Era


MIHYE KIM (Chungbuk National University)


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) has become a "must-implement" strategy for boosting innovation and creativity, market competitiveness. In spite of all the initiatives to promote DE&I, males outnumber women in STEM fields in both Europe and Korea, and gender bias and male-dominant cultures still exist in the workplace.
Until now, many mentoring programs have required additional efforts from the socially disadvantaged. (For example, a woman must put in 150 percent of her effort to survive in the workplace. etc.) On the other hand, efforts to change the privileged have been relatively neglected. To promote diversity and spread inclusive culture, we first learn concepts and problems, raise awareness of inequality and unconscious bias, and then all members of society need to work together. Support in especially from privileged Ally is essential. That is the subject of this session.


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Keywords Allyship, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, STEM, Women Scientist & Engineer

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