Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Deep learning models outperform across domain, but how to utilize it properly?

Aug 17, 2023, 3:50 PM


Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology [EI6] To the Edge and Beyond AI in Computer Vision


Hee Kim (Heidelberg University Faculty of Medicine in Mannheim)


The progress of deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence is astonishing, and it attracts numerous researchers and practitioners from multidisciplinary domains. Although tremendous literature regarding DL applications has been published across domains, it is uncommon that DL applications are actually deployed in the daily routine. This study empirically investigated popular deep learning models including transformers and convolutional neural networks in the medical domain in order to provide a gentle guideline to researchers and practitioners who consider utilizing deep learning models for a customized task.


Kim, Hee E., et al. "Lightweight Visual Transformers Outperform Convolutional Neural Networks for Gram-Stained Image Classification: An Empirical Study." Biomedicines 11.5 (2023): 1333.

Keywords Deep learning; vision transformer; convolutional neural network; image processing; transfer learning

Primary author

Hee Kim (Heidelberg University Faculty of Medicine in Mannheim)

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