Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

The laser based manufacturing technologies of the Battery EV

Aug 17, 2023, 3:00 PM
Venus 2

Venus 2

Chemical Engineering and Material Science [CM3-2] Journey for the Next Generation of Energy Storage Systems


Mr Woo Sik Chung (Fraunhofer Institut for Laser Technology)


Decarbonizing the energy sector, for example by increasing the renewable energy portion and the electrification of the combustion engine vehicle for the mobility sector should reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Advancing electrification of the mobility requires high-performing battery cells and the related production technologies. To manufacture a complete battery pack from raw materials, many laser-beam manufacturing processes are applied. The laser beam as a manufacturing tool is attractive for the battery production due to its precise spatial and temporal control of the heat input.

Among many laser-beam manufacturing processes, the laser beam drying, structuring, and welding processes are introduced in this presentation. The laser beam drying process is applied to dry the wet slurry on the copper collector foil to substitute the conventional furnace process. In this way, particles absorb the laser beam and therefore the solvent is dried not only from its surface but also from the inside. The laser beam structuring process is to reduce the tortuosity of the ion-diffusion path on an anode. When the tortuosity is reduced, the C rate is increased by a 20-30%. For this purpose, the laser beam structuring process drill microscopic holes on the dried graphite coating. Last but not least, the fundamental understanding of the laser beam welding process is shown with the in-situ X-ray observation. The x-ray observations show the melt and vapor capillary dynamics during the welding process, which supports the further understanding.



Keywords Laser based manufacturing, Structuring, Drying, Welding, Battery production

Primary author

Mr Woo Sik Chung (Fraunhofer Institut for Laser Technology)

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