Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Relationship between sustainability and artistic aspects in urban design

Aug 16, 2023, 5:20 PM
Orion 1

Orion 1




Urban Design According to Artistic Principles (Der Städtebau nach seinen Kün-stlerischen Grundsätzen) is a book by the Austrian-born architect, urban planner and theorist Camillo Sitte (1843-1903), subtitled “Architecture and Monuments with a Specific Relation to Vienna”. This is a dissertation aimed at resolving the contemporary questions of sculpture. It is a masterpiece of urban design theory that seeks a better direction based on an analysis of various cases of historical cities centered on plazas and an accurate understanding of the shading of urban design and expansion plans in Europe in the 19th century.

In the late 19th century, when Camillo Sitte was active, large-scale urban development and expansion took place in Europe, driven by rapid industrial development and imperialism. Urban design methodologies that prioritize only functional aspects, such as square or circular squares, large-scale central roads, and grid systems that are easy to expand, have spread rapidly. The facilities are a product of the old era and are gradually disappearing. But what is new in urban design (since Sitte's era is a powerful means of urban design, the limits of the blind mindset that the superiority of technology can overthrow everything else) are clear. This is because it is the environment itself formed by the accumulation of people's eternal lives on one place.
The fundamental question posed by Camillo Sitte in this book can be understood as “How can the practical and artistic aspects be harmonized in urban design?” He tried to find the answer while comparing the appearance of the city that appeared in the late 19th century and the previous historical city. Through research on cities in various eras from the ancient times, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance to the Baroque, centered on external public spaces, especially squares, the shapes of buildings and external spaces and the effects created by the relationship between the two are delicately pointed out, and the modern Establish artistic principles of urban design that can also be applied to urban systems. Based on the representative problems of cities realized in the 19th century and the identified principles, Camillo Sitte concludes by proposing a very specific and practical improvement plan for urban design in the downtown area of Vienna at the time.

There are many differences between the Central European region at the time the book was written and the current political, economic, and diplomatic situation around the Korean Peninsula. In addition, it is also true that the severity or degree of resolution of each of the inevitable issues of the city, such as publicity, density, sanitation, and mobility, also differs from region to region according to the maturity or technological level of the social system. On the other hand, comparing Vienna, Austria at the end of the 19th century and Seoul, Korea at the beginning of the 21st century, both cities are experiencing a period of cultural and artistic revival based on economic growth, and interest in the quality of life is changing the transportation-oriented urban space to human (pedestrian) There are also similarities that they began to connect with the social will to change to the center.

In this session, Camillo Sitte 's book is analyzed from the perspective of contemporary urban design, and based on this, the history and present of public spaces inside and outside Korean cities are analyzed, and major issues and possibilities of sustainable urban planning are discussed.


The Birth of Modern City Planning,George Roseborough Collins, George R. Collins, Camillo Sitte, Christiane Crasemann Collins, Dover Publisher, 2006, ISBN:9780486451183

Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen, vermehrt um «Grossstadtgrün», Camillo Sitte, Birkenhäuser Publisher, 2002, Edition: Reprint Der 4. Aufl. 1909, ISBN: 978-3-7643-6692-6

The Korean version of 『City Planning According to Artistic Principles』 by Camillo Sitte, translated by Ki Jun Kim, MIJIN Publisher, 2023, ISBN: 9788940806449

Keywords Urban Design According to Artistic Principles, Sustainable Urban Planning, Urban Public Space

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