Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Printing Composite Materials for Energy and Medical Applications

Aug 15, 2023, 1:20 PM
Orion 1

Orion 1

Electrical/Electronics Engineering & Information Technology [EI2] Micro and Nano Systems (From device to integrated systems)


Jaemin Lee (University of Leeds)


Advanced fabrication technologies enable breakthroughs in electronic devices including biomedical applications and energy devices.[1-3] Emerging technologies include digitally-driven additive manufacturing which have demonstrated excellent capabilities in patterning-free low cost processes.
In this talk, a novel digitally driven direct-write method will be described and how this technology can promote advances in photovoltaic devices and medical soft robots. This field-compatible extrusion-based process is highly effective in facile materials formation and also suitable for extra alterations such as printing in a supporting medium. Therefore, the new method empowers and expands the capability for desirable in-situ chemical modifications and synthesis.
Firstly, the utilisation of this new approach will be demonstrated via the newly developed microscale medical tentacles printed in a supporting medium which is cost-effective, biocompatible, sustainable. The new printing environment offers exceptional rheological properties to maintain the desirable cross-section of the printed devices along the length. After this introduction, the development of functional nanomesh by this technology will follow. Integrated with an on-demand external field, the fabrication platform is also capable of large-area nano-fabrication and allows in-situ manipulation of material composites which is highly demanding in the fabrication of large-area nanomesh electrodes for photovoltaics. Along with the methodology, stabilizing nanomaterial surfaces, a critical issue for the stability of electronic devices, will also be described. For both applications, the latest device performance investigation and operation will follow, in conjunction with computational modeling and practical demonstration.


[1] K. H. Lee, S. S. Lee, D. B. Ahn, J. Lee, D. Byun, S. Y. Lee, “Ultrahigh areal number density solid-state on-chip microsupercapacitors via electrohydrodynamic jet printing,” Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaaz1692
[2] Y. Kim, E. Genevriere, P. Harker, M. Balicki, S. U. Lee, H. G. Bowman, A. B. Patel, X. H. Zhao, “Telerobotic neurovascular interventions with magnetic manipulation,” Science Robotics, 2022, 7, eabg9907
[3] J. Lee, S. Varagnolo, M. Walker, R. A. Hatton, “Transparent Fused Nanowire Electrodes by Condensation Coefficient Modulation,” Advanced Functional Materials, 2020 30, 2005959

Keywords Manufacturing, Fabrication, Energy, Medical devices, Advanced materials, Nano, Micro

Primary author

Jaemin Lee (University of Leeds)

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