Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

New Function in the Old Form: reuse of industrial architecture

Aug 17, 2023, 12:30 PM
Orion 1

Orion 1


Semina An (VEKNI)


Some functional disused industrial facilities are recognized for their "heritage value" and subsequently listed as technical heritages or UNESCO World Heritage Sites, identifying them as industrial heritage.
The object of industrial heritage is considered to encompasses not only the buildings where industrial activities took place, but also, in a smaller sense, the tools and machinery that can provide a view into the evolution of industrial and technological history, and, in a broader sense, worker’s residential areas, planned cities, and industrial cultural landscapes. The scope of industrial heritage covers recent history in a variety of fields, including science, technology, and economic history and so on.

Since 1978, when industrial heritage was first inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List, 63 industrial sites have been inscribed on the World Heritage List, and the world continues to discover the value of heritage sites from a wide range of industries.
The meaning of heritage is to preserve the value for the public and future generations and also to encourage reuse without compromising the heritage value. In other words, a new function is implanted in an old form, and a certain degree of change in form can be seen in order to open another phase.

This presentation contains the concept of industrial heritage, the current state of inscription on the World Heritage List as an industrial heritage, and examples to show how industrial architecture reconciles form and function to preserve heritage value while allowing for reuse.


Föhl, Axel. Bauten der Industrie und Technik.Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz, Bonn, 1994.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre. UNESCO World Heritage List, 1978 - 2022.

Keywords Industrial Heritage, UNESCO World Heritage, Heritage Value, Preservation, Reuse

Primary author

Semina An (VEKNI)

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