Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Policy trends of spectrum for the next genaration broadband mobile from non-technical viewpoints

Aug 16, 2023, 4:40 PM



Dr Juhoon Kim (Deutsche Telekom AG)


Spectrum, in the context of mobile broadband communications, refers to the range of electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless transmission of data and information. Mobile carriers and service providers use different frequency bands within the spectrum to offer mobile data services, voice calls, and other wireless applications to end-users. Spectrum is a primary and yet scarce resource in broadband mobile networks. Therefore, selling spectrum to mobile carriers is an important process because it allows for fair distribution of the limited frequency resources among competing service providers. It also generates revenue for the government or regulatory agencies, which can be used for various purposes such as improving infrastructure or funding public services.

This talk emphasizes the significance of spectrum availability for the expansion and enhancement of mobile broadband networks. The talk also discusses the growing need for wider spectrum bands to accommodate the ever-increasing data traffic and support emerging technologies such as 5G and beyond. Furthermore, it highlights the challenges faced by service providers in acquiring sufficient spectrum resources and the importance of effective spectrum management and allocation policies to ensure fair and efficient utilization.



Keywords Spectrum, Broadband Mobile Network, Spectrum Policy, 5G, 6G

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