Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Advanced battery & hydrogen technology for future mobility

Aug 16, 2023, 1:45 PM


Mechanical and Aerospace Technology [MA1] Future mobility


Dr Seung-Wook BAEK (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS))


The core technology and issues of future mobility are technological advance of lithium battery and the expansion of hydrogen energy. This presentation introduces the technology development trend of oxide solid state lithium battery as next-generation battery and the hydrogen R&D trend in Korea to expand hydrogen energy economy. The first topic is the discussion of oxide-based solid state battery. Oxide solid state lithium battery among solid state batteries are slow to develop due to high technical barriers such as interface control and cell fabrication, but the need for technology development for urban energy storage system(ESS) with large electric capacity and high safety level is expected to increase as the electric platform expands. It is intended to discuss the R&D issues and challenges of oxide solid lithium battery and to introduce research activities(solid battery & battery recycling) on lithium battery of Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science(KRISS), and seek international cooperation. The second topic is hydrogen infrastructure technology in Korea. Korea began to promote the hydrogen economy in earnest in 2018, and technology development is currently underway in all areas of hydrogen energy, including hydrogen production, storage, transfer, and use. In this presentation, I will introduce national R&D trend, infrastructures and KRISS activities in Korea.



Keywords Advanced battery, Hydrogen energy

Primary author

Dr Seung-Wook BAEK (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS))


Dr Woong KANG (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)) Prof. Jung Hyun KIM (Hanbat National University) Dr Bo Sik KANG (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM))

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