Aug 14 – 18, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Rise of a Membrane-Free Alkali Metal-Iodide Battery with a Molten Salt Electrolyte

Aug 16, 2023, 4:40 PM
Jupiter 2 (Wed)

Jupiter 2 (Wed)

Chemical Engineering and Material Science [CM3-1] Journey for the Next Generation of Energy Storage Systems


Juhan Lee (Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf)


Liquid metal electrode batteries are a promising solution for sustainable energy storage due to their low manufacturing costs and high recyclability.[1] However, to improve their viability, they need to operate at lower temperatures, higher voltages, and be membrane-free.[2,3] In this study, we present a novel membrane-free battery design based on liquid alkali metals and iodide. The battery construction involves a simple assembly process without any solid-state mediums for separating the electrolytes.[4] Despite the unoptimized cell design, the membrane-free A-AI batteries exhibit promising electrochemical performance, including stability for 250 cycles and high current density, implying the possibility of an iodine-concentrated layer forming at the bottom of the cell. These findings demonstrate the potential of membrane-free A-AI batteries as a cost-effective and eco-friendly energy storage solution.


[1] H. Li, K. Wang, H. Zhou, X. Guo, S. Cheng, K. Jiang, Energy Storage Mater. 2018, 14, 267.
[2] E. D. Spoerke, S. Percival, L. J. Small, US 2021/0075059 A1, 2021.
[3] L. J. Small, A. Eccleston, J. Lamb, A. C. Read, M. Robins, T. Meaders, D. Ingersoll, P. G. Clem, S. Bhavaraju, E. D. Spoerke, J. Power Sources 2017, 360, 569
[4] Lee, J., Monrrabal-Marquez, G., Sarma, M., Lappan, T., Hofstetter, Y.J., Trtik, P., Landgraf, S., Ding, W., Kumar, S., Vaynzof, Y., Weber, N. and Weier, T. (2023), Membrane-Free Alkali Metal-Iodide Battery with a Molten Salt. Energy Technol. 2300051.

Keywords liquid metal electrodes, molten salt electrolyte, membrane-free batteries, iodide batteries

Primary author

Juhan Lee (Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf)

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